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After nearly 2,000 years, Marcion of Sinope (c. 70–154 C.E.) has rightfully taken his place among the holy luminaries of Pre-Nicene Christianity.

The Marcionite Church of Christ is pleased to announce the establishment of a new feast day in the Marcionite Christian liturgical calendar: the Feast of Marcion.

Honoring Marcion’s Legacy

Best known for compiling the first Christian Bible—the Testamentum—around 128 C.E., Marcion’s greatest legacy lies in his unwavering faith and courage, inspired by the Holy Spirit. In the face of powerful opposition, he remained steadfast in his mission to reveal that the true Christian God was made known to humanity solely through Jesus Christ.

A Feast to Remember

The life and contributions of Marcion of Sinope will now be commemorated annually on July 15th, the Ides of July. This date is rooted in an ancient Marcionite Christian phrase:

“115 years and six and a half months between Christ and Marcion.”

Tertullian also recorded this phrase, which marks the span of time from 29 C.E.—when Jesus descended to earth in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar—to 144 C.E., the year Marcion was excommunicated by the Roman Church.

Through this feast, we honor Marcion’s enduring impact on Christian history and theology.

Archbishop Marius Cera

Jesus is Lord.